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I'm a Woman on a Mission!

Advocating for victims, and sharing the lessons I’ve learned through decades of therapy and self education; is an endless task. I declare my commitment to help others and make it my mission in life. What a wonderful way to bring meaning to the pain I have endured as a result of being sexually assaulted.

Since the release of my book “The Queen’s Daughter” in 2004, the public response has been incredible and a new purpose for my life emerged.

On Thursday, February 12, 2015 I am holding a fundraiser to support my popular program and I offer the following statistics with hope that my work is recognized by the people who challenge “The Cause” for its credibility.

Someone that I considered a close friend recently called me a fraud. However, my “Thick Skin” began to develop and has grown since the fateful night back in 1976 when I was gang raped. Even though I was a helpless victim, I was blamed, shunned and criticized on a regular basis. Thanks to the feminists, we have come a long way baby.

I don’t take things personally and I don’t care what people think. It was hard to grow that “Thick Skin” and not without being hurt along the way; but today I am stronger than ever! I am a woman on a mission!

The following are the statistics as a result of my program for the past ten years:

  • Letters received from readers of “The Queen’s Daughter” 4,203

77% or 3,237 letters were from victims or their family members

who posed a question dealing with ongoing struggles as a result

of sexual assault, abuse or harassment.

23% letters of congratulations and praise for speaking out on

behalf of victims and “The Cause”.

  • Victims who have contacted me: 81% female and 19% male

  • Average age of victims: 22 ½ - 72% of whom were victimized before the

age of 16.

  • Families helped: 16 – where more than one member of the family was

victimized by the same abuser, or family members of the victim such as:

spouses, parents, grandparents or siblings.

  • The most victims being helped at any given time was: 7

  • Number of male sexual assault victims helped: 28

  • Number of males accused falsely of sexual assault: 8

  • Number of school visits to speak to students about sexual assault: 102

This includes high schools, University of Windsor, University of Michigan and

St. Clair College.

  • Average number of contacts made after each class presentation: 5

  • Victims who shared that they contemplated suicide: 100% Yes- every one of them!

  • Most common problems shared by victims that asked for help:

1/ Depression – how to deal with it (this includes anxiety which is a by-product

of depression)

2/ Forgiveness – still feeling angry

3/ Sex and sexuality – all male victims have questions in this area

4/ Shame and guilt – how to deal with it

5/ Moving forward – need skills to cope

  • Most common time a victim calls in distress: 10 pm – 2 am. (luckily I am a night person)

  • Average length of a call with a victim: 2 hours

Should you ever call and my answering machine clicks on repeatedly, I am probably talking to my son Michael, Lorraine Brennan, Theresa Reaume, Darlene Gudrie-Butts; or a victim.

Thank you to all those who plan to attend the ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET/FUNDRAISER; to the volunteers who have gifted us with their time and expertise and to the many businesses and individuals who donated door prizes and offered cash donations.

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